Saturday, November 18, 2006

Sunshine in Lausanne, Snowcovered Mountains, and Grounded Theory

I took advantage of a great day today in Lausanne and did another long-distance run. I ran along the "coastline" of Geneva Lake until Cully and back. It was a nice run. At the end it amounted to 30k and it took me 2:15h. It was a nice and decent run on my way to all the upcoming triathlon events next year :-).

Right now, I am working on my latest research paper which is on "user entrepreneurship". What I am basically looking at is the question of why users of a product engage in entrepreneurial activities. My goal is to develop a process theory which describes the different steps users go through will inventing something new and setting up a business. I am drawing on a couple of theories such as structuration, social movement, and entrepreneurship theory.

To do that properly I need to go back to my latest book. It is called "The Discovery of Grounded Theory" and nicely outlines how researchers can build theory from data. It is a good book, I can recommend it!


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