Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Going back home

Today, I just rescheduled my return ticket to Germany/Switzerland. I'll be flying back to Munich on Wedndesday July 26th. Then my time in lovely Cambridge/Boston will be over :-) However, I have still five weeks to go.

I also just got back from the German soccer match. We played Ecuador and had an amazing 3:nothing win. How sweet ...

Besides that my research is going pretty well. I have reinitiated my websurvey, which leaves me at 1,200 respondents. Which is a response rate of close to 35% now :-). To go through all my data, I bought two new books yesterday
(1) Confirmatory Factor Analysis from T. Brown, and
(2) Statistical Methods for Categorical Data Analysis from Powers and Xie.
Still some work to do ....

Monday, June 05, 2006

Rain in Boston and Academic Mercenaries

This weekend has been a rainy weekend. I therefore spent most of the time in my office, in order to think about the world and my research. I am currently conducting an online survey, which is posted on the http://newschoolers.com forum. This survey is part of my research, where I am trying to find out how social capital affects knowledge sharing and knowledge creation processes. In particular, I am interested how new ideas and information about skiing spread in an online communtiy depened on the structure of the online community. I so far have 820 respondents. I hope I'll break the 1000 barrier next week! A first glimpse of the network structure can be found here.

Besides that I discovered that a good friend of mine, Philipp Mueller, who is a professor at ITESM/tec de monterrey in Mexico has just started his own blog. Here is his link: http://philippsmueller.blogspot.com/.